Cutting coral frags

I’ve been itchin’ to make a few frags and I couldn’t take it any longer. Yesterday I grabbed a clean new pair of scissors that I’ve been saving for just such an occasion and prepared to begin fragging. I also filled 3 small buckets with tank water, grabbed the rubberbands and dried off a couple of pieces of coral rubble from the refugium.

The first coral I decided to frag was my Sarcophyton. I waved my hand over the Sarco coral so it would retract the polyps. I removed the coral, held it over one of the buckets of tank water. Using the scissors I cut 4 small frags from the outer edge of the cap letting them fall into the bucket. In a different bucket of tank water I rinsed the slime off the mother colony then placed the Sarcophyton back in the reef tank.

I placed 2 of the Sarcophyton frags on each piece of coral rubble and rubberbanded them down. When I rubberband I try to place the frags in a depression on the rock so as not to pinch the frag in half.

The other coral I fragged was my Sinularia, following the same method I cut a nice branch with a couple forks, strapped it to a rock then discarded the tank water in the buckets.


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